Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Motocross: Guiltee By Assocation

"A big shot is a little shot that kept shooting." - unknown

SAINT PAUL, Minn.- An awesome opportunity arose to shoot motocross photographs for Guiltee By Association this summer at a few of their shows. There were a few performances in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Woodson Motor Sports and a performance at a Saint Paul Saints game in Saint Paul, Minnesota. (Hey Mike and Jason- DUCK!) It was an awesome experience with a great group of individuals.

Guiltee By Association now has some fantastic slide shows and trick photographs up on their site with some of my photographs as well as other photographs from other photographer sources. For a fantastic look at the motocross shows Guiltee By Association put on around the country if you happen to be interested in motocross or are looking for an awesome event to check out visit the Guiltee By Association web site. Thanks for the adventures Mike, Dan, Jason and everyone with Guiltee By Association.